Saturday, April 28, 2012

Playing with Mom

Here is Sofia playing with a new little toy.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Surgery day confirmed May 3

We're pretty much confirmed for surgery next week for Sofia so everything now is all about getting ready to spend the next few weeks in Philly while Grandma takes care of Daniel at our house. Most important thing is for Sofia to stay healthy so we're on lockdown here with no extraneous visitors or trips outside. There's a lot we need to pull together to get ready but hopefully this is the LAST time!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Getting ready

We are gearing up for our next trip to Philly and Sofia's latest big surgery. She's had a bit of a cold so has been on the passy primarily and in general has been very fussy and throwing tantrums when she doesn't get her way. She's also quite hooked on the Olivia cartoon which is what she keeps asking for! Daniel is singing up a storm and nowadays sings the "Doe a Deer" at least once an hour!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

J tube girl again!

We went on Mon to Yale to have another J tube put in. It is all because they want to eliminate any chance of reflux right before and for some time after her surgery. However this time she can continue on eating some soft foods PO which will help.

Unfortunately between the J tube (which leaves her tummy empty and has her wearing her backpack again all day), the hot weather, and still having a cold she was really cranky yesterday at school and we got a bad report of her acting out and hitting teachers. She was also bad with mommy at home.

At least she can get it all out of the way before our preop visit next week to CHOP.