Saturday, January 10, 2009

Grandma's Daniel Slideshow


As an update our team meeting went well. They acknowledged where they failed in communication internally and with us and we've come up with a plan to get daily communication with the attendings. They have also specified the milestones for getting Sofia home.

It is still looking like 3-4 months, especially given recent setbacks. But at least we are more clear on it. Otherwise she's doing ok, but is still a bit tempermental. We think she just needs more cuddle time. She's take about half of each bottle now, with the rest (increased volume as well as she is growing) through her feeding tube.

Daniel had some reflux of his own so is now on pepcid but otherwise is 7 lbs now and the pediatrician is really happy with his growth and development so far.

Oh yes and the car ended up being totaled after all. We'll probably get another XC90. And snow tires.


Grand Pa YANG said...

I love to see all facial expressions of Daniel. He looks so peaceful,innocent,calm and enzoying his daily life. I am so glad to hear that his pediatrician is really happy with his growth and development.

Sofia is making progress but slowly. This is a very encouraging news. She is well taking care by Yale's medical team and I am so sure that Sofia will making faster improvements soon.


GrandPa YANG

Polley said...

How am I supposed to get ANY work done with this enchanting slide show tempting me to my computer screen! Daniel is utterly charismatic, and Grandma did a great job capturing his charm. Thank you from Grandmommy! And thanks for the update on our darling Sofia. Slow progress is still progress, and we know that the cuddling she'll be getting from Mommy and Daddy will help her grow.

Marthaj said...

Love the slide show and photos, fun to see Mere and Ronak visiting. Daniel and Sophia are just little cutie pies! I didn't know about the car accidents......thank goodness you are all OK. Nothing like more stress! We think of you often and send our love from Columbia MO.

Heather said...

The slide show is adorable, I can't believe how much hair Daniel has! I'm sorry Sofia's progress is slow right now. You guys are always in my thoughts. Keep the cute pictures of the kids coming!