Monday, March 9, 2009

Good News

We got the news today that the doctors requested that the home ventilator be ordered for Sofia, and it should arrive at the hospital later this week. This is an important step and means she will be on the path to getting home soon. She tolerated all the weans last week and this one so far, and the doctors will continue to wean her once the home ventilator arrives. Mommy and Daddy are going to try to wrap up our training this week and prepare for our 12 hour shifts that we will need to complete as well. She was happy today during Mommy's visit - see the picture slide show below.

Daniel is teething and spent a few rough days/nights this past weekend, but is a bit better lately. He is too young to hold onto teething toys, so our best option has been the refridgerated binky which he likes to chew on. We did try rice cereal as the pediatrician suggested. The first time he seemed to like it, but last night was not interested. It also does not seem that his tummy is ready to digest it, so we'll give it a bit more time. Here is a tummy time slideshow of Daniel.


Stephanie said...

Great news on Sofia!!! She is one step closer to being home with you guys and that is wonderful.

They are getting so big!

Beautiful, absolutely beautiful!!!

Grand Pa YANG said...

Good News indeed!!

It is the instant answer to my comment of March 5, " I hope Sofia can come home soon ".

I can not wait to see and to hold Sofia together with Daniel at home.

GrandPa YANG

Heather said...

Cute pictures as always, can't wait to see ones with both babies together again soon! So glad Sofia will be home shortly!