Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Back home!

Sofia came back home yesterday. She's back on CPAP and we're going to be getting her back to being off the vent all day in a week or so. She's happy and big (almost 17 lbs!) and is glad to be home.

Here's Dad and Daniel playing the drums...


And the weather has been really great so we've been able to go out with the kids. Here's Dad strolling w/ the kids.



Grand Pa YANG said...

I am so glad that Sofia is home now,since I have first time witnessed the scene when Sofia was carried by her parents into SUV and rushed to hospital on Nov 11.

Both photoes of Ted and Daniel playing drums together and Ted strolling with kids are so great to see.

GrandPa YANG

Polley said...

Welcome home, Sofia! Daniel and Dad can be a two-man band, celebrating your progress. We look forward to seeing you at an especially thankful Thanksgiving feast.
Love, Grandmommy and Granddaddy