Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Surgery Scheduled

At long last Sofia's throat reconstruction surgery has been scheduled for the end of April! The surgeons won't really know what approach to take (CTR vs LTR - see below, extended or not, multistage or single stage) until they get in there so we are in for a pretty rough ride. We're hoping for the best!

CTR (cricotracheal resection): the narrowed portion of the trachea, directly below the voice box, is removed and the voice box and windpipe are sewn back together.

LTR (laryngotracheal reconstruction): the airway is made larger by placing a graft in the area that is narrowed. Most grafts are made of ear cartilage, thyroid cartilage, or rib cartilage.

Here's Sofia as a turtle and outside in her hat. This past weekend the weather was fantastic, which almost but not really made up for the storm disaster.


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Grand Pa YANG said...

I am glad that the Sofia's throat reconstruction suegery has been scheduled. I am confidence that the surgeons can utilize their knowledges,their experiences,their skills to determine the best surgical way for Sofia. I am praying for the best.

GrandPa YANG

Unknown said...

I hope the surgery goes well, our duaghter had CTR done in cincinatti when she was about 19 months old, and to hear her talk and function today without a trach is the most amazing thing in the world. It was a long ride, and not easy, but so worth it!!
My prayers go out to you.

Unknown said...

Sorry, it's been a long time, the surgery done was LTP, full resection with 25mm rib cartilage.