Monday, April 26, 2010

Coming Home Today

We are on our way to pick up Sofia. She's still cranky and on some pain meds but overall she's doing better. We think she'll perk up some once she's home. Unfortunately, she's going to have to get used to having the stent in her throat for a few weeks. It's also made her very drooly and she's just getting used to the new feeling in her mouth.

Here are some pics of her as she has recovered over the last few days. You can see her blowing bubbles in one which means that some air is finally getting through to her mouth and nose!


Polley said...

What a beautiful bubble! And those smiles--she is one tough little girl, and we are proud of her.
Lots of love,
Grandmommy and Granddaddy

Heather said...

So glad you can bring Sofia home today!