Saturday, May 15, 2010

Doing well after surgery

Sofia had her second surgery yesterday where they removed the stent from her throat and checked to see how well the repair went. The surgeon was optimistic about how things looked. He also showed us some pictures taken laryngoscopically.

For the first time there is an open airway. There's definitely swelling and some tissue growth that he made need to remove later. But, overall, he's happy with the progress and will take another look in a week. We're all hoping her airway will stay open on its own now.

Sofia was very upset and cranky before and after the surgery but she cheered up on the way home and was pretty much back to her normal self yesterday. This was pretty surprising because previously things have been pretty rough post-surgery.

Here she is playing with Daniel yesterday afternoon. They were both watching Ni-Hao Kai-Lan.



Grand Pa YANG said...

I am very happy to read this report about Sofia's second surgery and post surgery reactions. She is getting better every day and to my notice,
she is becoming more beautiful every day.

GrandPa YANG

Rebecca said...

Great news! Love you guys.

Colton's Journey said...

So glad to hear surgery went well and she's home doing well!

Unknown said...

Good news! I'm amazed at how she bounces back from these procedures. What a trooper.