Thursday, August 12, 2010

Back on the passy-horse

Sofia is back up to 4 hours on the passy and we hope she soon reaches and surpasses her former 5-5:30 hours. Her scoping is set for the 24th so it is time to start crossing your fingers!

Things have gotten better on the nursing front as we've gotten a wealth of really great and on-time nurses in the mix. Just in time as Sofia is starting to show off a little attitude, just like any 2 year old (just a few weeks to go until their birthday!)


Polley said...

Attitude? Good for her--if anybody's entitled, she is. Of course, that's easy for an indulgent grandmother to say. Congrats on the nursing situation, a HUGE relief for everyone!

A said...
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A said...

Yay for slow and steady progress!! Go Sofia!!

(kat conners beck)

Heather said...

I will second what Christie's mom said! I'm hoping for some great news on the 24th for her!