Thursday, April 14, 2011

Preschool Set

Mommy and Daddy both went to the kids' PPTs today where we met with all of the various specialists (OT, PT, Special Ed, Speech, School Nurse) to start coming up with a plan for the fall. I'm happy to say both kids will be attending our town's special pre-school program which is great because we both strongly believe that early intervention will help them and we, of course, want to keep them together.

Up next is Sofia's three day visit to CHOP in an attempt to diagnose better whether she has a reflux issue and to come up with a surgical reconstruction plan (second try!) between their airway team and her current team at Yale. We've got a lot riding on this one! It's going to be pretty hard logistically to get the kids there but we know we need to do whatever it takes...

1 comment:

Grand Pa YANG said...

I am very happy to know that both Sofia and Daniel can attend the special pre-school program.

I sincerely hope that CHOP can come up a great surgical plan for Sofia,
since they are the best Children Hospital in US.

GrandPa YANG