Saturday, May 14, 2011

We are back!

We just got back a few hours ago from CHOP. More details tomorrow but overall the news is good for Sofia, the head of ENT who scoped seemed optimistic that she would get off the trach after the next reconstruction!

It was a very long and tiring trip and we are all glad to be home, especially Sofia who at the end of it had had her fill of being poked and prodded in the hospital.

Here are some pictures from Day 1. More tomorrow...


Rebecca said...

Glad to hear the good news. I know it must have been a difficult trip but I hope you were able to enjoy some special time with just Sofia. She's a sweetheart!

Polley said...

And Grandmommy and Granddaddy were able to spend special time with Daniel. But we missed Sofia, and we're glad she's back home with some good news to share.