Saturday, June 4, 2011

Tonsils and Adenoids are out

Sofia had surgery on Wed and is recovering. She's mostly okay but according to the surgeon this weekend will be tougher as she starts to scab over the incisions. She's on continual pain meds and hopefully will be ok.

However it turns out that she is suffering from some non-acidic reflux that occurs whenever she eats so our next step is to put in a G-J tube (right now she just has a G tube that goes into her stomach) and put her on more continuous feeds for the next month. This will push back the reconstruction into August but will give it a much higher chance of success (this likely contributed to the previous failure).

Putting in the G-J isn't surgical since she already has a hole for the tube so we are looking for it to be done ASAP.


Grand Pa YANG said...

Sofia, You will be feel OK soon,
just hanging there. GrandPa with you all the time, my dear granddaughter.

GrandPa Yang

Polley said...

Christie and Ted, you are remarkable, and Sofia...heroic. Our hearts and very deepest love are with you always!