Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Daddy took Daniel to the allergist today and confirmed that he is allergic to peanuts (and nuts in general) so we need to stay vigilant with his epi-pen. He also interestingly is allergic to dogs but not cats so that's good for Truffle who loves both kids very much!

He also might have an egg allergy which is contributing to his excema so we will be laying off the eggs for him as well.


Grand Pa YANG said...

Daniel is allergic to: Peanuts,Dogs,and Eggs(Did allergist specify is it Egg-white and/or Egg-yolk?)

Sofia is need to check out also, it does not matter whether she is mouth eating or tube-feeding,allergy will remains the same.

GrandPa YANG

Polley said...

Sorry to hear about the allergies. I wonder if Daniel isn't allergic to cats because he's always been around Truffle? And maybe, just maybe, he'll outgrow some of the food stuff. Good luck!