Sunday, February 12, 2012


Our trip to CHOP went pretty much as expected. The Drs scoped and found that her lungs looked great and her airway above her trach (after last summer's reconstruction) looked great however below her stoma she has a lot of floppiness which is causing it to be difficult for her to breathe without her trach.

She capped pretty well overnight but they want to see that she caps very well over the next few weeks before confirming the surgery which is all about her not getting sick!

So the tentative plan is for a mini-reconstruction below her trach in May which will be another one of those several weeks in Philly deals.


You can see the first four pictures how nice and open it is. The fifth is where the trach is and the last one is suprastomal below the trach site where it is collapsed.


Grand Pa YANG said...

We have to patience and wait until
May to have a mini-reconstruction
below Sofia's trach.

GrandPa YANG

cassie said...
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cassie said...

My name is cassandra stroyan, I am from Iowa... I was put in contact with you from another triplet mom friend... I also have triplets( just turned 2), and just found out my one has SGS.... they want to do surgery this summer and I am terrified. I was wondering if I was able to get your views on surgery. Thank you!! I am on FB or my email is