Friday, June 1, 2012

Big Girl Bed (and Room!)

Big day yesterday as Sofia finally moved into her own room across the hall from Daniel. Sofia has been downstairs for years so that there is better access for emergencies and for all of her visitors but now that her trach is gone we felt the time is right. Plus she did very well in a big bed at the hospital. She loves how pink her room is! Yesterday, she took her nap fine but had some trouble going to bed last night. She also needs to adjust to using the upstairs potty.
Hopefully she'll be good tonight.


Chris said...

Yay! Must be nice (and strange) to have that space back downstairs!

Rebecca said...

Oops. that was actually Becky.

Suleyka said...

That's great! Can't wait for our Sofias to get to meet... sounds like we can plan to make it happen soon.