Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Sofia failed her hearing test, most likely due to fluid in her ears. The ENT doctors would like to bring her to the OR this week to drain her ears and possibly insert tubes to allow fluid to continually drain. They will be able to better assess her hearing after that point. They will also check her trach site to see if there is any granulated tissue prior to her coming home.


Sofia's cold required the doctors to increase her rate on the ventilator, which allows her to breathe more easily. Her nose has stopped running though, so we hope the cold is over soon!


Mommy also met with the nurses and respiratory therapist at the hospital this week.

Here is Daniel talking on the phone (maybe to his sister?). Lately he has been skipping a morning nap and then getting fussier in the evenings, but he does usually go to sleep by 10:30 now. We think the cereal helps too.


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