Friday, April 10, 2009

Sofia Smiles

Sofia is now smiling quite a lot. It is so nice to see that she is happy. Here she is being rocked by a volunteer at the hospital. We are just waiting for confirmation on nursing care, and all of the medical supplies will soon be shipped to our house. We can't wait to have her home. Daddy is doing his overnight shift tonight and will then be fully trained.


Sofia has decided not to always eat from her bottles lately, which is frustrating, but as you can see by the rolls of fat she now has, she may just not be that hungry! They have switched to feeding her every 4 hours and there has been some improvement.

Daniel must be on a growth spurt because he is eating all the time. Our second trial of rice cereal went well and so we are feeding it to him once a day. He is holding his head up well now, and doesn't cry as much during tummy time. Here he is trying out Sofia's crib which is now in our family room.

1 comment:

Grand Pa YANG said...

Nice to know that Sofia is coming home soon and Daniel is eating a lot of foods.

GrandPa YANG