Ok it didn't quite go down like that.
She was having some difficulty breathing and after trying a lot of different things we ended up putting her on some higher oxygen so the Drs wanted to bring her in to check her out overnight. We packed everything up and brought her in to Yale around 4pm yesterday. And it worked out better for her to stay anyways since we had no nursing coverage last night.
They are planning on releasing her today. She might have a little virus but really isn't showing any symptoms, the xray is clear and she also is breathing easier.
They didn't know what she might have so she had to wear a mask for a bit yesterday... here she is, ready for anything!
What beautiful eyes--that mask gives Sofia an air of mystery, so fitting for a little girl who likes to keep everyone guessing. I hope her hospital stay is short and that she's soon back home!
I showed Layla these pics today and she smiled :).
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