She's still doing great and will back on weaning soon.
And Mommy and Daddy pulled a 24 hour shift due to hole and a nurse who called out sick. Yes we STILL don't have adequate nursing coverage.
In more news Grandma is off to China for 3 weeks so Grandmommy and Granddaddy re going to come soon to help out.
And the UPS guy continues to fail to do his job properly and ring our doorbell when we get packages. Another package was marked as "delivered" on Fri and never was. This moves beyond just annoyance to possibly jeopardizing Sofia as we have lots of medical packages coming through.
Here's a pic of Daniel with his aunt and uncle who were in this last weekend.
Do you have all the songs to that toy memorized yet? Layla loves the blue opera song, but my favorite is the reggae... "Red, red, you hear what I said, re-ed, red." :).
We are having a similar problem with UPS. How hard is it to put the package on the doorstep and ring the bell?
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