Monday, August 3, 2009

Another scare

Sat night Sofia stopped breathing again. This time everybody reacted a lot faster so she was back and normal before 911 even got here but just in case we took her to the hospital. They did a chest xray and other tests and everything came back normal so I declined to have her transferred to Yale which would've only exposed her to swine flu and other bad stuff.

As it turns out the Drs don't have any real ideas on what may be the cause. Most likely is a mucus plug which is one of those things that just happens to kids w/ trachs. Still though her secretions were thin before hand. Also possible is aspiration related to reflux or some other kind of spasm. again pretty unlikely.

the drs are going to consult w/ a GI specialist to see if they could shed some light but really the best game plan is to have highly trained, ready to act nurses and mommy and daddy.

1 comment:

Grand Pa YANG said...

Another Scare indeed. Fortunately,
Sofia is OK. I hope Sofia can make more progress so Doctors can take all tubes from her soon.


GrandPa YANG