Tuesday, August 25, 2009

No Weight Gain

Sofia grew 5/8ths of an inch, but gained almost no weight over the past month. We met with her pulmonologists and the pediatric surgeon yesterday. They fit her in for an upper GI test, otherwise known as a swallow study. She was not too happy about drinking the barium liquid. Here she is in her hospital gown (or Jedi outfit?) before the test. We have a tentative date scheduled for the g-tube, and the ENT doctors will scope her trachea at the same time.



Jim Maltese said...

I'm sure things will turn around. The Force is strong with this one!

Heather said...

Hope the g-tube goes well and the ENT doctors figure out what to do about her trachea. I'm sure she'll catch up to Daniel before you know it. She such a little trooper.