Friday, October 23, 2009


We went to another eye doctor who suggested special glasses for Sofia to try to cure her strabismus. We're giving it a shot rather than trying surgery first. Here she is trying on some glasses. She's also on her HME. She up to about 8 hours a day off the vent and is 16.2 lbs today!

Daniel is doing great too, babbling and crawling all over the place.

Although he hasn't quite gotten the hang of saying "Ma" yet.



Polley said...

Sofia, you are my hero! You look adorable and smart in those specs, and Granddaddy and I hope they help you see better, because there's a beautiful world waiting for you.

Heather said...

Sofia looks ADORABLE in the glasses, what a cute baby! I hope she gets used to wearing them and they help her.