Sunday, October 4, 2009


Sofia is back on her mist collar trials and is up to 30min 2x a day and is doing fine. Hopefully on Mon we can get back on the full weaning program. She's also started to eat a little bit of solid food. Here she is in her bib at the kitchen table. Everyone is eating dinner together now.


Daddy and Daniel are ready for college basketball season!


And here's Daniel posing again. We're training him to sleep through the night and it was bumpy to start but is definitely working now. He's got much more energy during the day when he gets a good night's sleep!



Polley said...

Daniel and Sofia are making such strides, eating at the table, sleeping all night. We're proud of them and of Mommy and Daddy, too. So now it's time for some Villanova and Duke basketball gear. Let the cheering begin!

JaxMom said...