Saturday, January 2, 2010


The kids are still enjoying all of their new toys post-Christmas. Sofia came down yet again w/ tracheitis and had a few plugs in her trach which required some emergency bagging but she's recovering from it now. We've gotten a bit of snow which has caused a few hour gaps of nursing each day. Nothing huge but combined with Sofia sick, Daddy stayed home this weekend instead of going to a friend's wedding.

Here's Sofia enjoying her ball pit.


Hanging out w/ her Dad.


Daniel modeling some clothes ("the rugged look")


And fending off the paparazzi



Grand Pa YANG said...

Sofia is enzoying her ball pit, I am sure she has a good time.
Daniel is showing off his facial signs of strength, the rugged look,definitely not too young to be a men model.

GrandPa YANG

Polley said...

I love how happy Sofia looks in the ball pit and especially with Daddy. Daniel, on the other hand, looks as if he's plotting serious mischief. Watch out for that little guy-- Granddaddy taught him some tricks!

Tricia Collins said...

Looks like you guys had a wonderful Christmas. Happy New Year!!