Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Sofia is mostly recovered from the virus and is no longer under quarantine. No more gowns and gloves to visit her. She is now almost a pound smaller than Daniel, however, since she did not gain weight during the illness. She is back up to full fortified milk again and if she continues to do well, the doctors may try to wean the vent tomorrow.

Daniel had his eyes checked today and all is healed from his laser surgery. We will not have to go for a follow up visit for 3 more months.

Here are some recent pictures of our two. Daniel taking a nap with Daddy Sunday morning, and Sofia during tummy time.


Polley said...

Every week Daniel and Sofia change, looking more "grown up" and alert with each new picture. Thanks for keeping us updated. And I'm glad Ted was able to catch at least a tiny nap; I know you both (and Grandma too)need every bit of sleep you can get. Good news on Daniel's eyes, too!

Unknown said...

I agree with the first comment completely! These are some gorgeous babies. That top picture of Daniel and Ted is my favorite so far. So glad Sofia is over the stomach bug.

pyjammy pam said...

they are just beautiful! oh my gosh! glad to hear little sofia is feeling better.