Wednesday, November 12, 2008

CPAP Again

Daniel gave CPAP a second try today and so far is holding his own. Daddy held him while Mommy kangarooed with Sofia. Sofia stayed at the same settings and about the same level of oxygen today. Both Sofia and Daniel seem much more like babies lately, in their movements and appearance.

Here's the pictures and a clip of Sofia looking around, hiccupping and sneezing too.
Daniel Nov 12
Daniel Nov 12


Unknown said...

It's amazing how cute hiccups are!! (I am not comparing my dog to your children -- I'm just going to say that Milo used to hiccup a whole lot more when he was a puppy and it was adorable).

They really do seem so babylike! Yay Sofia and Daniel -- Aunt Leigh loves you and can't wait to meet you.

The DiMatteo Family said...

Way to go Daniel. Sofia you are too cute. Keep up the great work guys.