Saturday, October 4, 2008

Daniel's head ultrasound is clean

That means that there is no apparent white matter damage for either child, which is great news! It doesn't mean we're fully out of the woods in that dept (nothing ever does!), but it is good to hear.

Also it is time for both kids to get their first HepB vaccination. I was surprised to hear that they get them (even without fully developed immune systems) and at the same dosage at a regular child. But after checking around it seems like it does still work and actually can help stimulate immune system development without adverse consequence.

And they both continue to struggle a bit on their lungs. Sofia's lungs are wet and her pressure is back up to 20/6. Daniel is starting on his chronic oral diuretics today since his sodium is better and hopefully that'll work. Getting off the vent is their next major priority and the sooner the better as the vents themselves damage their lungs over time. Both kids are grown back from their recent down day. Sofia at 850gm and Daniel at 870gm.


Grand Pa YANG said...

This is a great News indeed for both Daniel and Sofia. It means there is no damage at their brains.

As I had involed in HepB project,surprise to learn given vaccine at this early stage with normal dosage but we have to trust doctors who have knowledge,skill and wisdom to do the best jobs possible to take care of tiny Daniel and Sofia.

Hope they can improve their lungs as early as possible.

Grand Pa YANG

Heather said...

I'm so glad that both of their ultrasounds were good and that they are back to growing bigger! I love the recent pictures.