Sunday, October 5, 2008

Quiet Day

They were able to wean Sofia a little on her pressure down to 19/6. Both kids are doing great on feeds and seem active. Both are responding well to their diuretics and peeing a lot! But they still have a bit to go on their lungs before they can try extubating again. Daniel is at 900gm, Sofia at 860gm so both are growing!

Here are some videos of Sofia and Daniel saying hi from a few days ago.

We had some of our good friends up to visit us this weekend and last and it was great to see them!

And in completely other news a cat appeared at our back door yesterday looking for food and a place out of the rain. We've given it some shelter while we look for whomever owns it (and someone does given that the cat seems well taken care of).


1 comment:

Tricia Collins said...

I think kitty looks quite content right where she is ;-) I wouldn't leave either since you serve sardines!! lol.