Friday, October 31, 2008


Mommy kangarooed with Daniel today and after fidgeting a bit, he settled down and slept. Both babies had eye exams today which revealed immature vessels in the right eyes and stage 1 retinopathy in the left eyes. The eye doctor will continue to watch as their eye development progresses, but right now the issues appear to be mild and are expected in premature babies. They will get examined weekly for follow ups.

Sofia was not happy on the steroids today and had more desats, but they were still able to wean her again and her oxygen is in the 30's - which is much better than before the steroids. If all goes well, they hope to extubate this weekend.

Both Sofia and Daniel are now at least 3 pounds!

1 comment:

JaxMom said...

Yeah! The weight gain is great. Hopefully next year they will be toddling around in cute costumes and this will seem a world away....